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Always Remember Those Who Gave All: MC WW2 Gold Stars and MIA Survivors

Richard Kenneth Orr

Richard Kenneth Orr (1911-1944)

MC Class: 1934

Years at MC: 1930-1934

Hometown: Canton, IL, later Pacific, MO

Life at MC: English major with minors in Psychology and Political Science; Athenian Literary Society, Debate, Three I Club, Highland Echo (all four years and Editor-in-Chief during Junior year), Student Council, Student-Faculty Committee, YMCA Advisory Board, Writers Workshop

Military Branch: US Army

Military Unit: Chaplains' Corps

Rank: Captain

Medals Awarded: None Known

Date Missing: N/A

Date of Death: 10 December 1944

Location of Death: Schick General Army Hospital, Clinton, Iowa

Circumstances of Death: Became ill with anemia while in Papua New Guinea and was flown back to the USA for treatment where he died three weeks later.

Burial/Memorial Information: Greenwood Cemetery, Canton, Fulton County, Illinois (

Additional Images:

April 1, 1943 Letter from Richard K. Orr ("Dick") to "Jim"

January 8, 1945 Obituary in Digest of the Presbytery of St. Louis

March 1945 Obituary in Bulletin of McCormick Theological Seminary