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Always Remember Those Who Gave All: MC WW2 Gold Stars and MIA Survivors

Charles William Dunning

Charles William "Chuck" Dunning (1923-1945)

MC Class: ex-1944

Years at MC: 1940-1943 (Freshman to Junior Years)

Hometown: Elmhurst, NY

Life at MC: Chemistry Major; "Talk of the Week" artist for Highland Echo (Sophomore and Junior), Art Club President (Sophomore), Theta Alpha Phi (National Honorary Dramatic Fraternity), Wrestling Team (Sophomore and Junior), Student Council (Junior), Manager of the Chatterbox, Track

Military Branch: US Marines

Military Unit: Company L, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marines Division (same as Augustin Limberg Brunson)

Rank: Lieutenant

Medals Awarded: Purple Heart

Date Missing: N/A

Date of Death: 27 April 1945

Location of Death: Okinawa, Japan

Circumstances of Death: Killed instantly by a Japanese sniper after 27 days of fighting on Okinawa, Japan.

Burial/Memorial Information: Hillside Cemetery, Scotch Plains, Union County, New Jersey (

Additional Information: In 1946, his parents established the Lt. Charles W. Dunning Memorial Scholarship Fund at Maryville College.

Additional Images:

September 6, 1941 "Talk of the Week" Cartoon in the Highland Echo

1942 Art Club

1942 Wrestling Team

February 15, 1947 "Scholarship Established in Memory 'Chuck' Dunning" in the Highland Echo