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Always Remember Those Who Gave All: MC WW2 Gold Stars and MIA Survivors

Who Are MC's Gold Stars?

Our Gold Stars ranged in age from 19 to 51 covering over 30 years of MC graduating classes. They were a mix of US Army, Navy/Naval Reserves, Air Forces, Marines, and Chaplains' Corps. They were spread around the globe from the US to France to Burma to the Philippines. Some died in battle, others in training, others as POWs, and one following an operation. Some were single men and others were married. Two had children they never met. Our first died stateside in a car accident in August 1941 and our final one in a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean in May 1945. One was a member of the famous "Merrill's Mauraders," one was commander of a submarine, and another was a pilot for General MacArthur. Two were sons of Maryville College professors. Fifteen are on the East Tennessee Veterans Memorial at World's Fair Park in Knoxville, TN.

These are their stories.