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Insight Into the Past Exhibit

May Day

Of all the campus social events hosted by the college, May Day was perhaps the most noteworthy. The holiday itself is rather forgotten by now, but it was a worker’s holiday that took inspiration from pagan springtime celebrations.

Each year, a girl from every class would be elected as a nominee for May Queen. The nominees who did not win the title would serve as the May Queen’s attendants in her court. The 1923 May Queen was Mary McSpadden, pictured below. May Day was not just a campus event; people from all throughout the community came to witness and take part in the festivities. Festivities included a play, live music, and a May Pole.

Other Events

There were other events held by the faculty and staff of the college that saw rousing attendance by the majority of students. After all, if you cannot leave campus outside of specific, supervised times, any party is going to seem appealing.