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Overdue Materials Policy


Library notices are sent via Maryville College e-mail.  Replies and questions should be sent to the Collection Management Librarian.

The Lamar Memorial Library does not charge late fees; however, we ask that borrowers keep their library account current by returning or renewing materials by the date they are due.  Borrowers whose materials are NOT overdue can renew their books online by linking to check your library account.  Materials that are overdue must be renewed in person or via email.

A bill for replacement and processing fees will be sent to any borrower who has one or more items checked out that are two or more weeks overdue. 

Borrowers with overdue materials must clear their library account before they may borrow additional materials.

For assistance with your library account, including renewals, please contact the Collection Management Librarian.

We are counting on you!

Every time an item is checked out, we count it.  This helps us know what kinds of materials you need so we can purchase them.  These statistics also help us support our budget so that we have enough staff and resources to meet your needs.

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Items

If any materials you have checked out become lost, damaged, or stolen, please contact the Collection Management Librarian for details on replacing them.


Failure to return books and media will result in a bill for their replacement, suspension of library borrowing privileges, and a block on grades and transcripts.

Collection Management Librarian

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Marina Jaffe