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Library Endowments

Library Endowments

Library Endowments

Welcome to the Library Endowments web page!

This page acknowledges all books purchased from earnings on endowment gifts since 1998. 

Each endowment has its own bibliography. You can navigate to the list of books in each endowment using the tabs to the left or by clicking the endowment name below. Books are listed under the year in which they were purchased, with the most recent year at the top. If you hover your cursor over the book title, a synopsis of the book appears. Clicking on the book title will open the record for the book in the library’s online catalog, where you can see a table of contents and request library staff to hold the book at the desk for you to pick up. Happy browsing!

There are currently eleven endowments supporting the Lamar Memorial Library:

The George Glenn Cooper Memorial Book Fund

The Davis Book Fund

The Edward Ahumty Driscoll and Eva Dillie Thomas Driscoll Book Fund

The Faculty Book Fund

The Margaret Enid Goggin Endowed Library Fund

The Arnold and Sara Kramer Endowed Library Fund

The Harvey Eugene Lehman and Dorothea Lehman Leonard Maryville College Library Fund

The Dan McGill Collection in Economics, Business, and Finance

The Cleda and Isaac A. Martin Book Fund

The Mary Miles Memorial Book Fund

The Ellen Hitch Templeton Memorial Library Fund

The Maryville College Library relies solely on the income from endowments to purchase books for our collection. We are so thankful for the people who have remembered and honored us with their gifts. Because of their unparalleled generosity, our current students have the opportunity to explore the rich world of ideas that opens from reading good books.