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Library Services Today:  

Maryville College Archives


The Maryville College Archives has reopened for on-site research appointments!

Research assistance is also available via email, phone, and Zoom appointments.

For more information or to make an appointment, please contact the Archivist at or 865-981-8352.

Plan Your Visit

Due to the unique nature of our collections, we are a closed-stacks, non-circulating repository. To view material in our collections, please contact the Maryville College Archivist for an appointment. As staff is limited, appointments are strongly encouraged as only a limited number of researchers can be assisted at any one time. Though same-day appointments may be available, contacting the archivist in advance of your desired appointment time is strongly recommended especially if you have an in-depth research question, limited time for your research visit, or are traveling any distance.

How to Make an Appointment

In order to make an appointment, contact the Archivist directly via email ( or phone (865-981-8352).

Here's some tips to assist the Archivist in making your appointment:

  • Know what you are looking for
    • In some cases, the Archivist may be able to provide you with the information you need without the need for a visit.
    • Knowing what you need to research helps the Archivist determine how much time you may need for your visit
  • Know when you are available
    • Provide two or three different dates and times that you are available to visit
  • Let the Archivist know if you are traveling from a distance

How to Prepare for a Visit to the Archives

To prepare for your visit to the Maryville College Archives, please review the following information:

  1. Before your visit, please read the Maryville College Archives Policies and Procedures. When you come for your visit, you will sign a form that states that you have read and agree to abide by these rules.
  2. You must bring a photo ID (e.g. MC ID, drivers license).
  3. We recommend that you bring your choice of note taking equipment: computer, tablet, and/or notebook with pencils. Please do NOT bring pens, highlighters, or permanent markers.
  4. You may bring a camera to take photos (no-flash) at the Archivist's discretion.
  5. If you would like the Archivist to provide scans of the records, you may bring a USB flash drive for download.